The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published their “Standardized Numerical Identification (SNI) for Prescription Drug Packages – Final Guidance” document almost two years ago (see my essay “FDA Aligns with GS1 SGTIN For SNDC” from back then). The guidance was published as purely non-binding recommendations that reflected the Agency’s current thinking, but in my opinion it is a nice piece of work and can be used as a practical guide, as far as it goes, for implementing drug serialization programs today.
Why is that? It’s because drug manufacturers and repackagers need to serialize all of their prescription drugs that enter the state of California in 2015/2016. Can those companies make use of the FDA’s SNI guidance to comply with the serialization requirements of the California Pedigree Law? I will answer that question in this essay, but first Continue reading Anatomy Of An FDA SNI