RxTrace readers are well aware that the deadline is this November 27 for applying unique serial numbers within GS1 DataMatrix 2D barcodes to prescription drugs distributed in the United States under the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA). Once that happens, most prescription drugs entering the U.S. supply chain will be identified by 14-digit GS1 Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN-14) for the first time (see “Anatomy of a GTIN”). That’s because, you can’t fit the drug’s National Drug Code (NDC) along with the serial number, lot number and expiration date into a data matrix barcode, as required by the law, without first encoding it into a GTIN-14 (see “Anatomy Of The National Drug Code”, and “Depicting An NDC Within A GTIN”). This fact forces companies to encode their NDCs into GTIN-14s, many for the first time. Continue reading Sponsored: How To Properly Define GTINs For Your NDCs
Monthly Archives: March 2017
DSCSA Serialization: What Wholesalers Expect
Recently, several of the larger U.S. wholesale distributors have sent letters to their suppliers to review what they expect from them relative to the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA). You may recall that these companies have provided requirements in advance of earlier DSCSA deadlines (see “U.S. Drug Wholesale Distributors Provide Direction To Manufacturers“). These expectations are aimed at the November 27, 2017 serialization requirements and beyond. Continue reading DSCSA Serialization: What Wholesalers Expect
My Handshake With Germany
Our industry is international by nature. Protecting patients from counterfeit drugs is partly a humanitarian mission and partly a business. Consequently, I don’t worry much about who is looking for information on RxTrace. I have happily fielded queries from Russia, China and even Iran, countries who are not always political “friends” of my beloved country.
But what if a counterfeiter is seeking information Continue reading My Handshake With Germany
Pharma Serial Number Randomization Under The Falsified Medicines Directive
Drug companies who serve markets within the European Union (EU) have until February 9, 2019 to add serial numbers within a Data Matrix barcode to their drug packages, among many other specific requirements (see “The ‘Unique Identifier’ in the EU Delegated Act”). The specific requirements are outlined in the EU Delegated Regulation (EUDR). I’ve written a lot about the EUDR over the last few years (see RxTrace: Delegated Regulation). Today I want to highlight and explain a problem that may be brewing in the implementation of the system of repositories as established by the non-profit European Medicines Verification Organization (EMVO). The potential problem is related to the way the EMVO Continue reading Pharma Serial Number Randomization Under The Falsified Medicines Directive
Sponsored: Pharma Traceability
Pharmaceutical serialization and traceability laws continue to be developed all over the world. In any one market, it takes several years to progress from the initial stirrings to the publication of full, workable regulations. As we have seen, several countries have had to take a few steps back, make adjustments and then move forward again (see “Brazil Gets Rational With Their New Pharma Traceability Law” and “China’s Retreat From Pharma Serialization: Will This Become A Global Trend?”). In fact, I think those countries that do, will end up with a much better approach.
What that means to you is Continue reading Sponsored: Pharma Traceability
The Russia Serialization Pilot Guideline
The Russia Ministry of Health (MoH) is conducting a serialization and tracing pilot with a number of supply chain members between February 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017 (see “Russia Begins Its Pharma Supply Chain Pilot”). The MoH is due to publish an assessment of the pilot by next February 1st.
Two weeks ago the Russian Minister of Health, Veroníka Skvortsova, signed the guidelines document for the pilot. The 42-page document appears to be written as a pilot setup document, as opposed to Continue reading The Russia Serialization Pilot Guideline
Sponsored: The Season For Label Redesign
With the approach of pharma serialization deadlines all around the world, this is the season for label redesign. The addition of new unique identifiers in 2D barcodes and human readable forms—often without removing existing linear barcodes—requires knowledge of the pharma labeling regulations in the target markets as well as artwork skills (see “DSCSA: Label Artwork Heartaches”). The problem is, serialization doesn’t apply to just one product, it applies to all prescription drugs marketed in the target market. That threatens to cause Continue reading Sponsored: The Season For Label Redesign
Dawn of HDA’s Origin, The Key to DSCSA Compliance
This week at the Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) Distribution Management Conference and Expo (DMC) the HDA and ValueCentric will provide much more detail around the new master data sharing service they plan to make available in July. The new service—named “Origin”—is intended to provide members of the pharma supply chain with a single directory of master data for all prescription drugs marketed in the United States (see Origin website). That is, it is a database of master data wrapped within a cloud-based service.
Origin master data is composed Continue reading Dawn of HDA’s Origin, The Key to DSCSA Compliance