If you have anything to do with Unique Device Identification (UDI) in your company and you’ve never been to one of the UDI Conferences put on by the Clarion Group, then you don’t know what you are missing. Those who have been to one know that these are the best possible events to attend for UDI.
Why? Easy. I’ve never been to a conference where the experts from the regulatory body itself—the FDA in this case—dominate the speaker list as they do here. If you have responsibility for any part of UDI implementation, quality and regulatory or operation in your organization, then this is the conference where you can walk right up to someone from the FDA and pose your specific question…and actually get an answer! It’s incredible! And the non-FDA speakers are just as good. I love this conference, and I am proud to be a sponsor who can offer you a discount for registering (details below)
But you have to act fast because lowest prices are only available through February 23. Make plans now and get registered for the lowest price, plus the RxTrace discount.
As an educational authority on UDI, the 10th annual UDI Conference will once again bring industry stakeholders together with the FDA UDI Team to ensure accurate UDI implementation and continued adoption momentum. The UDI Conference is THE industry gathering for medical device manufacturers, distributors, and hospitals to convene to learn about the UDI Regulation and the Global UDI Database (GUDID).
There is something for everyone at this year’s Conference
- instruction and training for those facing imminent compliance dates;
- progress reports on UDI implementation;
- case studies on real-world applications;
- AHRMM sponsored sessions on UDI use and value within hospitals;
- automatic identification solutions showcase; and
- workshops delivered by the FDA UDI Team.
Attend the Conference to:
- Meet with the FDA UDI Team and create your plan for UDI implementation;
- Learn how to utilize the Global UDI Database (GUDID), how to harness the data and prepare for the global impact;
- Understand the requirements for your automatic identification systems;
- Gain the knowledge & establish resources needed to guide your organization;
The UDI-enabling Technologies:
The UDI Regulation requires new/improved systems and processes to efficiently mark/tag equipment, scan device information at various points in its life cycle, and transmit that data to the GUDID and other software systems, including hospital systems.
RxTrace Readers to Receive $100 Savings
To save $100 off of the registration rate, enter “RX” in the discount field. To secure the best rate, register by February 23rd. If 2 or more from the same company are planning to attend, contact nicole@clariongroupinc.com to get a team discount code. (Note: only one code can be used.)
Register today at http://www.udiconference.com/UDI_Conference/registration/
For additional conference details and the most up-to-date information, please visit http://www.udiconference.com/UDI_Conference/.
These conferences happen only once each year. Register now to attend the event and get your UDI questions answered.