A Quick Note About The UDI Conference September 18 & 19, 2012

The FDA is co-sponsoring an important two-day conference in Orlando on September 18th and 19th, 2012 that will cover their plans for medical device Unique Device Identification (UDI).  Today is the last day to get their early-bird registration rate of $695 so act fast.

But I know a way to get another $100 off of the early, the advance and the standard registration fees.  When you register, simply put the letters “RX” in the “Promotional Code” field of the registration form.  That lets them know that you are a special RxTrace reader and deserve to pay less.  Remember, it works on all registration levels.

I’m going to have a lot more to say about the FDA’s UDI proposed rule in the coming weeks but because this is the last day to get the best rate I thought I’d let you know.  UDI is going to be big and it will use the same kind of standards that we are using in the pharma supply chain for product identification and track & trace when necessary.  If you have any connection with medical devices in the supply chain you will want to attend this important event.

See you at the event!


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