Pharmaceutical Traceability Forum Offers Strategic and Solution Focused Discussions to Prepare Organizations for the Upcoming Compliance Deadlines

PharmaTraceability Forum.300x250RxTrace is pleased to announce a partnership with the Pharmaceutical Traceability Forum, taking place March 30-April 1 in Boston, MA. In line with the upcoming regulatory and compliance deadlines, the Pharmaceutical Traceability Forum is the #1 event bringing together the brightest minds in the industry to discuss personal experiences and best strategies for preparing your serialization programs for 2015 and beyond.

Download the event agenda or request a copy via e-mail.

The Forum program, created for the industry and by the industry, is shaped around the DSCSA Data Exchange deadlines, including the requirement of Transaction Documents (TD) and preparedness of an organization’s Electronic Product Code Information Service (EPCIS) throughout the supply chain. Wholesalers, Manufacturers, Pharmacies and Life Science organizations will be coming together to hear from the experts during interactive workshops, case study sessions, panel discussions, networking sessions and more.

“We’re thrilled to bring the Pharmaceutical Traceability Forum to Boston during this time when organizations in the Pharma industry are searching for the right tools and strategies for their serialization programs,” said Lisa Il Grande, the Producer of the Forum. “It’s vital that all industry leaders understand and are prepared for the upcoming deadlines and we’ve put together a program to offer attendees exactly what they need for the future.”

Pfizer, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Novartis, GS1 Healthcare Global Team, MIT, and Global Track & Trace are just a few of the organizations speaking at the event. Anticipated sessions include “Building a Comprehensive Traceability System to be Prepared for Global Regulatory Updates” led by Pfizer,  “Preparing for Speed-Bumps Within Your Supply Chain; Mapping a Plan of Action in the Early Stages of Implementing Your Serialization Strategy” led by Novartis, and “Building Upon the GS1 Standards for Serialization; An Update of the State of the Industry and How to Pave the Way for Your Companies’ Global Compliance Efforts” led by GS1 US. Learn more about the speakers and the sessions they are leading at the Forum.

RxTrace subscribers save 20% on registration for the Forum. Just use promo code “PTF_RXTRACE” when you register online at, e-mail or call 1-800-882-8684.


Before the conference, you can use this complimentary Global Regulatory Timeline, to help you keep track of the global deadlines that will impact your business. Included in the Timeline are 27 key deadlines taking place in 2015 and beyond that your organization needs to be prepared for. Download the report now.

For more information, please reach out to the Pharmaceutical Traceability Forum team at or 1-800-882-8684.