Tag Archives: global serialization regulations

Sponsored: Extracting Value Beyond Compliance From Serialization

Companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars, euros, rupees and rubles getting ready to comply with serialization regulatory mandates around the world.  Deadlines are fast approaching in the US and the EU and they are already passed in India, South Korea, Argentina and Turkey.  What companies are looking for next is how to extract some value beyond just complying with government mandates.  Just about every solution provider offering serialization components and solutions out there has at least one product or service that is aimed squarely at this type of need.  What we need to do is get these people together:  those who are looking, and those who have the solutions.

Cognizant, a management consulting company, has written a very nice 11-page white paper exploring value beyond compliance. Continue reading Sponsored: Extracting Value Beyond Compliance From Serialization

Drug Samples Under Global Serialization and Tracing Regulations

istock-526070305-smallerSome pharma manufacturers make special packages of certain drugs that they give away to certain medical practitioners as a way of promoting the product and introducing the practitioner and their patients to it.  The method of distribution is usually through field sales people employed directly by the drug manufacturer, and the drug samples are delivered by them directly to the practitioner.

What could go wrong with that?  Probably diversion of the product contained within the “free sample” packaging back into the supply chain, but without the “free sample” indicator on the package.  Should these special packages be tracked?  Should they be serialized?  Continue reading Drug Samples Under Global Serialization and Tracing Regulations

The Next Markets To Impose Pharma Serialization and Tracing?

Digital WorldThe pharmaceutical markets that currently have a serialization and/or tracing regulation on the books include the United States, the European Union, China, Brazil, India, Italy, Turkey, South Korea, Argentina, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.  Not all are fully operational yet, but they are official.  This list may be about to grow by two. Continue reading The Next Markets To Impose Pharma Serialization and Tracing?