Tag Archives: prescription drugs

DSCSA: Kit, Repack, Combo Product, or Just A ‘Collection’?…Again

iStock_000069076997_smallerI am writing this from Mumbai India where I am scheduled to speak at the Systech Uniquity Conference, but I will be home by the time you read this.  I just won’t have time to publish a new essay this week due to the incredibly long flights I need to get home.  So, here is a re-posting of a great essay from May 9, 2016.


DSCSA: Kit, Repack, Combo Product, or Just A ‘Collection’?

Medical convenience kits are exempt from the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA).  But be careful.  Continue reading DSCSA: Kit, Repack, Combo Product, or Just A ‘Collection’?…Again

DSCSA: Kit, Repack, Combo Product, or Just A ‘Collection’?

iStock_000069076997_smallerMedical convenience kits are exempt from the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA).  But be careful.  Just because you and your customers have called your product “a kit” for years doesn’t mean that Congress and the FDA call it that under the DSCSA.  In fact, many products that have historically been referred to as “medical convenience kits” will be treated under the DSCSA as a repackaged drug, a combination product, or worse, just a collection of device(s) and drug(s).  Let’s take a closer look. Continue reading DSCSA: Kit, Repack, Combo Product, or Just A ‘Collection’?

Meeting U.S. and E.U. Drug Serialization Requirements With A Single Solution

As serialization mandates sweep the world you would think that drug manufacturers and repackagers would just deploy one generic “serialization application” and simply turn it on for any drugs that requires it, and turn it off for any that do not.  That’s probably what the legislatures and regulators who create the requirements think.  RxTrace readers know it’s not nearly that easy.

The problem is that every regulation requires something different.  The only common thread is that there is always a “serial number” requirement in there somewhere (thus the name).  But the serial number itself is usually defined differently and everything else that surrounds the serial number is often not the same.  It’s not a matter of just turning it on and off, it’s a matter of changing a bunch of parameters, which result in significantly more complexity in the setup, testing and validation of the system for each market. Continue reading Meeting U.S. and E.U. Drug Serialization Requirements With A Single Solution

Is Your Drug Exempt From The Federal Drug Supply Chain Security Act? Revisited

Exempt signI am working this week, but I know this is a popular time for vacations, especially for those who do not have children in school.  I typically write my Monday essays over the weekend, but because it was a holiday weekend and my wife and I did some leisure traveling, I decided to re-post a popular essay from earlier this year:  “Is Your Drug Exempt From The Federal Drug Supply Chain Security Act?“.

I wrote this essay to help companies, large and small, figure out whether or not their products might be exempt from the DSCSA.  In it, I provide a kind of a formula that you can use to determine if a given product is exempt or not.  At least it’s a series of questions or statements that you can ask yourself about your product.  So without further ado,


Ever since the Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA) was signed into law last November Continue reading Is Your Drug Exempt From The Federal Drug Supply Chain Security Act? Revisited

Is Your Drug Exempt From The Federal Drug Supply Chain Security Act?

Exempt signEver since the Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA) was signed into law last November (see “It’s Official, President Obama Signs H.R. 3204, DQSA, Into Law”), more and more people are asking the question, “Does my drug have to follow the DQSA?”.  Recently I was on a monthly industry call put on by one of the Big 3 wholesale distributors to discuss the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), which is Title II of the DQSA.

I was surprised how many people asked the wholesaler if their specific product was covered or exempt.  Of course, asking a wholesale distributor if your own product must follow a particular Federal law is not likely to get a usable response and that was true in this case, but it did not stop the next person from asking the same kind of question.

In fact, no one can answer that question for you.  Even the FDA can’t answer that question for you.  I can’t answer that question for you.  Only YOU can answer that question based on your knowledge of your product’s characteristics and a careful reading of certain provisions of the DSCSA.  I can help you with that part.  Continue reading Is Your Drug Exempt From The Federal Drug Supply Chain Security Act?