All posts by Mark Davison

Mark is a twenty-five year pharma veteran with an R&D and commercial background. He has spent eight years in product security and traceability including the last three years building Bluesphere. Connect on LinkedIn or email

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Happy Martin Luther King day!  Today we have a special guest blog essay by Mark Davison of Blue Sphere Health in the U.K..   Mark is the author of the book, “Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting”, published by Wiley in 2011. – Dirk.

BPH.logo-lrg2Pharmaceutical traceability (in its various nuances of serialization, aggregation, track and trace, epedigree etc) has been proposed, debated, boosted and resisted for a very long time. The labyrinthine twists and turns have been examined in near real time on RxTrace and I won’t revisit them here. However, the passing of the Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA) late last year opens a new chapter.  It means greater transatlantic clarity of future compliance requirements and (whether intentional or not) it also brings near synchrony of some key deadlines. Continue reading Sponsored: Transatlantic Alignment