Tag Archives: Mark Davison

Your Plain Old Package: Unlock Its Built-in Brand Protection Capability

iStock_000042072924_SmallerWhen serialization of drugs was first being considered for pharmaceuticals back in the mid-2000s, I recall that it seemed to rattle the traditional brand protection vendors who offered package-level authentication technologies.  They were more than a little worried that drug companies would end up using serial numbers in place of their more traditional offerings, like holograms, specialty inks, micro-printing and other technologies.  Back then, some drug companies were looking at using Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags to carry the serial numbers on their drug packaging, and perhaps these vendors feared that they would be left out.

I never understood what all the angst was about.  Continue reading Your Plain Old Package: Unlock Its Built-in Brand Protection Capability

Sponsored: Transatlantic Alignment

Happy Martin Luther King day!  Today we have a special guest blog essay by Mark Davison of Blue Sphere Health in the U.K..   Mark is the author of the book, “Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting”, published by Wiley in 2011. – Dirk.

BPH.logo-lrg2Pharmaceutical traceability (in its various nuances of serialization, aggregation, track and trace, epedigree etc) has been proposed, debated, boosted and resisted for a very long time. The labyrinthine twists and turns have been examined in near real time on RxTrace and I won’t revisit them here. However, the passing of the Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA) late last year opens a new chapter.  It means greater transatlantic clarity of future compliance requirements and (whether intentional or not) it also brings near synchrony of some key deadlines. Continue reading Sponsored: Transatlantic Alignment