Category Archives: EUDA

The E.C. Officially Published The Pharma Safety Feature Delegated Act This Morning

EC logoWith the official publication of the European Union Delegated Act (EUDA), the clock starts for pharmaceutical manufacturers who supply drugs for the E. U. market to include two safety features on their drug packages.  One safety feature is some type of tamper evident seal, and the other is a “unique identifier”, also known as “serialisation” (see “The ‘Unique Identifier’ in the EU Delegated Act“). Continue reading The E.C. Officially Published The Pharma Safety Feature Delegated Act This Morning

Insufficient Transitional Measures Doom The FMD-EUDA

EU Member States
EU Member States. Source

The pharmaceutical supply chain in most markets is complex, but in my view, the one in the European Union easily takes the prize for being the most complex of any other.  The addition of unit-level serialization and verification of authenticity to that supply chain over the next few years as required by the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) and the Delegated Act (EUDA) is going to be difficult (see “Breaking News: The EC Has Published The Delegated Act“).  It represents a huge change to the way drugs are packaged and how they are handled by each entity in the supply chain.  It is vital that the transition Continue reading Insufficient Transitional Measures Doom The FMD-EUDA

The ‘Unique Identifier’ in the EU Delegated Act

The European Commission published a discussion draft of the European Union Delegated Act (EUDA) about two weeks ago (See “Breaking News: The EC Has Published The Delegated Act“).  The EUDA was called for in the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) back in 2011 and is primarily intended to define the “safety features” that must appear on most drugs three years after it is finalized.  Assuming it gets finalized around the end of 2015, that means that manufacturers and repackagers targeting the European pharmaceutical market will need to begin placing the specified safety features on their drug packages near the end of 2018.  EU Member States who already have an operational drug tracing law, like Italy and a few others, get an additional six years for companies to switch to the FMD and EUDA on drugs distributed there.

There are a lot of details Continue reading The ‘Unique Identifier’ in the EU Delegated Act