Tag Archives: Center for Supply Chain Studies

Blockchain Reigns At GS1 Connect 2017

Maybe I’m just hyper sensitive to all things blockchain right now, but it sure seemed like the topic of blockchain permeated the sessions and the halls at last week’s GS1 Connect conference, GS1 US’s annual membership event.  Oddly, all of the official blockchain content was outside the Healthcare track.  The technology is certainly applicable in all industries and apparently there is interest in it outside of the healthcare vertical within GS1 US.  But what I observed there leads me to think we are very close to an important tipping point. Continue reading Blockchain Reigns At GS1 Connect 2017

Could Blockchain Technology Be Used For DSCSA Compliance?

c4scs-logoIf your email inbox is anything like mine it has recently been swamped with articles and webinar notices about the possible use of blockchain technology to solve multiple challenges in healthcare.  I recently attended a very interesting day-long workshop on that very topic. 

So is blockchain a real solution, or is it just the latest over-hyped buzzword that is being promoted by people who don’t understand the real needs of healthcare companies?  I’ll tell you what I think.  But first, a little background.

Blockchain technology is a way of encapsulating information within a layer of structured data that multiple parties can use as the basis for trust in the accuracy of the source of that information.  It’s all about adding trust to information that is shared between parties.  Trust is just one of the many Continue reading Could Blockchain Technology Be Used For DSCSA Compliance?